I. Barefoot & invigorating – barefoot park & treetop path experience

II. White & delicious – Asparagus farm & treetop path experience

III. Orange & healthy – Sea buckthorn garden & treetop path experience

IV. Green & Christmassy – Tannenhof experience & treetop path

V. Wet & active – experience: paddle tour & treetop path

VIII. Inselstadt Werder – Experience: Guided tour of the old town & treetop path

We are happy to organize special themed tours on request, subject to the availability of our guides. We also offer guided tours in various foreign languages on request.
If required, please contact  in good time.

How to find us

By car:

Address for navigation

Road to Fichtenwalde 13, 14547 Beelitz-Heilstätten

You can reach us via the A9  Berlin – Nürnberg departure 2 „Beelitz-Heilstätten“, or the Landesstraße 88. Parking lot 2 is open in winter.

By train:

You take the Regionalbahn Line 7 the route Berlin – Dessau, Get off at Beelitz – Heilstätten station and follow the signs for the Beelitz Heilstätten treetop walk (Baumkronenpfad). After a 5-minute walk you will reach the entrance at the “Pförtnerhaus” (gatehouse)