Photography, filming & drone use
Photography and filming for private use
Photography and filming is permitted in the grounds of quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums (including the buildings) for private usesubject to compliance with the park rules and the personal rights of visitors and employees.
Eine Foto- oder Filmerlaubnis ist nicht notwendig.
Hinweis: Das Fotografieren im Speisesaal unseres Kooperationspartners RECURA-Kliniken ist nicht gestattet.
Drone use
The use of drones of any kind in the grounds of quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums, including the buildings, is prohibited.
Unauthorized use of drones will be reported to the police.
The owner of Quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums reserves the right to remove any unauthorized drones from use in and above the grounds of Quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums and to retain them until the matter has been legally clarified.
Photography and filming for commercial use
- For current reporting on the treetop path or for documentation of the Beelitz sanatoriums, photo and film work is welcome; please contact us in advance:
- Studentische Filmprojekte können sich für eine Nutzung des Geländes über folgenden Kontakt bewerben:
- For commercial use photography and filming in the grounds of quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums (including the buildings) / the privately owned property is only permitted with a photo or film permit. Permission for commercial photography or filming can be requested via the following contact:
The following key data is the basis for discussions about commercial shootings & film work:
- For commercial photo and film work in buildingson the grounds of Quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums, during regular opening hours, for a maximum of 8 hours, will be 2000,00 EURO plus VAT and staff hours to secure the set.
- For commercial photo or film work on the outdoor area of Quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums, within the regular opening hours, for a maximum of 8 hours, 1500,00 EURO plus VAT and staff hours to secure the set will be charged.
- The commercial dissemination of image and film material, the creation of which is based on photographic or film work in buildings or in and above the outdoor area of quadrant A of the Beelitz sanatoriums, without the permission of HPG Projektentwicklungs GmbH, will be prosecuted.
As in the other quadrants of the historic Beelitz sanatoriums, our buildings are currently being revitalized – construction and preparatory measures are taking place. In addition to the regular tourist tours, this currently restricts the use of the buildings for filming etc. considerably. Motifs that you may have researched on the Internet may no longer be available in the same form.
Please contact our press department in the long term! We will be happy to arrange an appointment on site so that you can explore current opportunities.

How to find us
You can reach us via the A9 Berlin – Nuremberg motorway, exit 2 “Beelitz Heilstätten”, or the L88 minor road.
By train:
Take the RE 7 regional express train on the Berlin – Dessau line and get off at Beelitz Heilstätten station, then follow the signs for the “Baumkronenpfad” Beelitz Heilstätten. The entrance is about a five-minute walk away.